Putin Arrives In Mongolia

  • 2.09.2024, 18:06

The European Union has reminded Mongolia of the arrest warrant for the Russian dictator.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin arrived in Mongolia on September 2. The visit is timed to coincide with the 85th anniversary of the joint victory of the Soviet and Mongolian armed forces at Khalkhin Gol.

The European Union has expressed concern to Mongolia over Putin’s visit to the country, said Nabila Massrali, the official representative of the European External Action Service.

“Mongolia, like other countries, has the right to develop its international relations in accordance with its interests. However, there is an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin,” he said.

Masrali recalled that Mongolia ratified the Rome Statute, the founding document of the International Criminal Court (ICC), in 2002. Those countries that recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC will have to comply with the warrant if Putin arrives.

“We have conveyed our concerns about the visit and made our position on the ICC clear through our mission in Mongolia,” Massrali concluded.

The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Putin and children's ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova in March 2023. They are suspected of illegally deporting children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia since February 24, 2022.

According to Bloomberg, Mongolian authorities promised Putin that they would not arrest him during the visit.

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