History Repeating Itself: On Why Everyone Starts Talking About Lavrov's Death

  • 2.09.2024, 8:43

The tweet of the Ukrainian post-president in the UN Security Council has become sensational.

Ukraine's permanent representative to the UN Security Council, Serhiy Kislitsa, has hinted at the possible death of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. However, Kislitsa noted that it would be better if the Russian was alive to see him in the dock.

Political analyst Valery Dymov told Channel 24 that rumours about Lavrov's possible death had started to spread the day before. The media also reported that the Russian foreign minister might have had heart problems.

At the same time, there is no confirmation of this information yet.

‘Lavrov's forerunner - Hitler's associate - Ribbentrop (German foreign minister, was punished for crimes by the Nuremberg tribunal in 1946 - note), who provided information and diplomatic support for the Nazi regime, lived to see the tribunal,’ the political scientist noted.

Since history repeats itself not only in events but also in certain personalities, those who today ape Hitler and Ribbentrop should, in his opinion, also be held accountable for their actions.

‘So one wishes that Lavrov would live to see the tribunal and we would see his just punishment. For he is directly responsible for all the crimes of the regime that now reigns in Russia,’ stressed Valery Dymov.

We remind you that Kislitsa hinted in his post on X social network that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was allegedly dead. However, the representative of Ukraine to the UN noted that he would like Lavrov to be alive, because he wants to see him in the dock.

Also earlier, there were rumours that Lavrov wanted to resign as foreign minister due to his poor health, but Putin did not allow him to quit.

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