Two Police Officers Beaten With ‘Hard Blunt Object’ Right In The Street In Beshankovichy

  • 23.08.2024, 15:55

One of them was in uniform, the other in civilian clothes.

In Beshankovichy, Vitsebsk region, two police officers were beaten on the street with a "hard blunt object". One of them was in uniform, the other in civilian clothes.

The website writes about this incident with reference to the regional newspaper. The publication reports that a criminal case was opened against a 57-year-old resident of the Beshankovichy district "for the use of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies".

It all started in August when a police officer stopped a local resident on the street in Beshankovichy "for committing an offense" (it is not specified what kind of offense). However, the man resisted. He struck the police officer "with a hard blunt object on different parts of the body", causing him bodily harm.

A colleague of the beaten policeman, who was in "civilian clothes" at the time, came running to help. But the man also resisted him and inflicted bodily harm. It is not specified what object the man used to beat the police officers.

As a result, the resident of the Beshankovichy district was detained. He is currently in custody.

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