Natallia Radzina: I'll Never Call It 'Humanism'

  • 23.08.2024, 14:00

Thousands of prisoners of conscience are still behind bars in Belarus.

Today, Pavel Kuchynski, a political prisoner in the fourth stage of oncology, was released.

Natallia Radzina, the Editor-in-Chief of, commented on Facebook on the release of a prisoner of conscience:

"Thank goodness! Political prisoner Pavel Kuchynski was released. I was very worried about this guy. Stage 4 cancer, and he was kept in prison for years without proper treatment. Like journalist Ksenia Lutskina, who was kept in prison for almost 4 years with brain cancer and was released only recently

I will never call it "humanism", because the health of these people has been irretrievably undermined by years of imprisonment. How long will they live after years of torture and abuse?

Thousands of prisoners of conscience are still behind bars in Belarus. Many have severe chronic diseases, oncology, heart failure, diabetes mellitus. Everything that a criminal regime does to people today is crimes against humanity.

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