Queue Of Cars On Border With Poland Stretches Up To Brest Fortress

  • 26.07.2024, 11:53

On average it takes a day to pass the border.

The queue of cars at the border with Poland has stretched all the way to the Brest Fortress. Those wishing to cross the Belarusian-Polish border by car first line up near the Volyn fortifications of Brest Fortress in order to get into the queue at the border service, and then at the border crossing point itself.

On average, it now takes people a day. It takes someone a little more time, someone - less. According to the official representative of the Brest border group, Siarhei Dzmitryeu, about 250 cars and more than 50 buses are now waiting to leave Belarus for Poland.

‘Unfortunately, since 00.00 of July 25, the neighboring side (the Terespol border crossing point) was not accepting vehicles, including buses, for four hours’.

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