Ambassador To Turkey: Peace Initiative Of Some Countries Means 25% Of Ukraine's Territory Remains Under RF Control

  • 26.07.2024, 11:04

The vision of Ukraine on establishing peace means, first of all, withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territories.

Some countries propose the idea of a ‘ceasefire’ with the prospect of peace talks. For Ukraine, however, it means that Russia will continue to control the temporarily occupied territories of our country.

Vasyl Bodnar, Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey, said that in an interview with Euronews.

‘Many countries have proposed the idea of a ceasefire, but no one has thought about what it means,’ he said.

According to the diplomat, the ceasefire means that ‘25 per cent of Ukraine's territory remains under Russian control’ and the Russian Federation ‘gains time to strengthen its capabilities and strengthen its forces to resume attacks on Ukraine’.

Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey stressed that countering the Russian occupation is first and foremost the defence of Ukraine's territorial integrity within the framework of international law.

‘Any other solution proposal should not be taken into consideration and for this reason we have rejected it,’ Bodnar said.

He added that Ukraine's vision of establishing peace means, first of all, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territories.

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