Belarus Introduces Changes To 'Miserly' Pensions

  • 26.07.2024, 9:05

You have to try really hard to live on them.

From August 1, the minimum labor and social pensions will be increased. This was reported by the Belarusian Ministry of Labor. Thus, the minimum old-age pension after the increase will slightly exceed BYN 108 (the amount without taking into account the 20% surcharge of the average salary).

For example, the social pension will increase in August to BYN 216.5 rubles (currently - BYN 209.37). These payments are received, among others, by those who fell into the pension trap.

Let us recall that in Belarus the minimum insurance period required to receive a labor pension will increase to 20 years by 2025. This figure is increased annually by six months. Previously, it was five years, but since 2013 it sharply increased. Belarusians who have not worked out this length of service under the new rules fall into a pension trap: they cannot apply for a labor pension, they can only be assigned a social pension.

The new pension payments will be in effect until the end of October.

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