Defence Intelligence Of Ukraine ‘Hacked’ Russian Banking System: Sberbank, Raiffeisen, Alfa Bank Are Down

  • 24.07.2024, 10:01

In addition, the work of the national payment systems of the Russian Federation has been blocked.

Cyber specialists of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine carried out a powerful cyber attack on the banking system of Russia.

A source in the intelligence service told NV about this.

According to the source of the publication, the massive cyber attack of the Defence Intelligence specialists on the banking system of the Russian Federation began on the morning of July 23. As a result of the attack, the work of payment systems, mobile applications of banks, personal accounts, the system of payment for services in public transport, etc. has ceased altogether, or become significantly more difficult. There are also interruptions in the work of the main mobile operators and Internet providers of the Russian Federation.

Users throughout the territory of the aggressor country complain that they cannot use the digital services of a number of major banking institutions of the Russian Federation at once. In particular, online services do not work or have significantly degraded in Alfa Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, VTB Bank, RSHB Bank, Gazprombank, T-Bank, and iBank online banking.

In addition, the work of the national payment systems of the Russian Federation — the Fast Payment System SBP and the National Payment Card System NSPK — have been blocked or significantly disrupted.

In addition, Russian users of social media are massively complaining about the inability to use mobile communications or mobile Internet from Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, and Rostelecom.

The Russian Federation has already admitted that the massive failure of online services is a consequence of an attack by “politically motivated hackers”. At the same time, Ukrainian intelligence notes that the attack is still ongoing and is far from complete.

“In fact, the Russians are thus achieving their “goals”, and this process, as we know, is going “according to plan”. Russia and Putin's serfs are returning to their “roots” and “bonds”: the “NATO” Internet is having less and less influence on the lives of Russians, and online services are disappearing as “hostile liberal values”. This is a good time to fully implement the Kremlin's desired “import substitution” in the format of wooden ball-frames, paper savings books and accounting cave art,” notes the NV source. “For our part, we are making every effort to speed up this process and return Muscovites to the times when no bitcoin, stock market share or even dollar had any influence on their lives. After all, they simply will not have access to all this.”

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