Belarusians Fleeing Agriculture

  • 31.05.2024, 19:56

Also because of the miserable wages.

Reader Aliaksei from Minsk wrote to the editors of the website

“A board meeting of the Lukashist Ministry of Food and Agriculture was held following the results of the first quarter of 2024. During it, a catastrophic situation with cattle emerged.

Its number in the first quarter of the year decreased by 54.4 thousand heads. Livestock mortality increased by 8.7 thousand heads compared to the first quarter of 2023.

Among the reasons for the increase in mortality were unsanitary conditions, inadequate medical care, and poor animal nutrition. They complained about the shortage of workers, especially veterinarians, who are often absent altogether.

Lukashists do not tell anyone that people are fleeing agriculture because of miserable wages. Many were repressed or forced to flee political persecution. They did not mention the lack of imported technologies and medications, access to which is cut off by sanctions.

In the war of the agricultural junta, livestock also suffer and die.”

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