Scandalous Russian Showman Nikita Dzhigurda Going To War Against Ukraine

  • 31.05.2024, 12:15

The singer-putinist has already visited the unit in which he wants to serve.

Kyiv-born actor and singer Nikita Dzhigurda may join the Russian army. As insiders told Russian media, the Z-patriot has already agreed to serve in the unit, where the husband of arrested blogger Elena Blinovskaya Alexei and actor Mikhail Efremov's ex-lawyer Elman Pashayevv got into.

Dzhigurda himself has not yet commented on the news, but also has not denied it. As reported by propagandists, during his trips to the occupied Donbass, the putinist visited the unit in which he is going to serve, writes

‘Yes, Dzhigurda is going to join this unit and has already submitted a request, which is the basis for a citizen to be considered for a vacant military position in a particular unit,’ the informants told the media.

Elman Pashayev has commented on the rumours about the showman's service, but avoided direct confirmation.

‘Dzhigurda is very brave, he can do anything. He is healthy as an elephant. And a patriot. Honestly, he can do anything,’ the occupant stated.

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