Belarusian Tractors To Be Produced On Occupied Territory Of Ukraine

  • 20.05.2024, 12:04


According to the Russian TASS agency, it is planned to launch the production of Belarusian MTZ tractors on the territory of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine.

However, negotiations between the occupation administration and representatives of the Belarusian side are probably not going smoothly.

"Now we are negotiating with our Belarusian colleagues about the production of Belarus tractors Belarus in Zaporizhzhia region [of Ukraine], and then about launching the production of parts for them at our enterprises," said a representative of the occupation authorities, the "acting minister of industry and trade" of the region, Alexander Marchenko.

The Russians announced similar plans more than six months ago.

"We are setting up joint production for large-unit assembly of the MTZ-82 tractor [brand] with Belarus. We are negotiating at the moment," said another representative of the occupation authorities, Svetlana Shevchenko, in early October last year. At the same time, the issue of opening a branch of the Vorsha meat canning factory in Zaporizhzhia Region was discussed at the same time.

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