‘The Best Is Yet To Come’: Freedom Of Russia Legion Declares The Operation Goal

  • 12.03.2024, 17:42

According to the volunteers, at the moment “the initiative is on the side of the liberation forces.”

The volunteers who carried out a raid on the territory of the Russian Federation on February 12 are holding the initiative in places where the border was broken through. A soldier of the “Freedom of Russia” Legion Alexey Baranovsky spoke about this on the air of “Novyny LIVE”.

Baranovsky noted that the Russian Federation did not expect a raid, so there were few Russian troops in the entry points and now they are forced to retreat. According to him, at the moment “the initiative is on the side of the liberation forces.”

When asked how local residents felt about the raid by volunteer units, Baranovsky replied that people “acted in the most reasonable way” — they hid in the basements.

“And this is what we call on them to do, because we don’t want civilians to suffer,” he stressed.

The FRL fighter also mentioned that the Russian Armed Forces are constantly striking the territory of Ukraine, including residential buildings. He noted that in the Kursk region the Russian army behaves in exactly the same way.

“They think that we are somewhere out there and they start pouring in mortars and artillery,” explained Baranovsky.

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