French Prime Minister Speaks About likelihood Of Sending Troops To Ukraine Following Macron

  • 27.02.2024, 13:23

Russia cannot be allowed to win on the battlefield.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, following President Emmanuel Macron, did not rule out the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

“We cannot agree that Russia wins this war, that an authoritarian country takes control of a democratic country by force. Because we are behind Ukraine," Ouest-France quoted Attal’s words.

The French Prime Minister stressed that Sweden and Finland joined NATO because they saw a threat from Russia.

“We have been supporting Ukraine from day one. We will continue to support the Ukrainians,” Attal added.

Recall that the leaders of the EU, the United States and Canada gathered in Paris on February 26 to signal to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the European determination to support Ukraine and refute the Kremlin's rhetoric that "Russia will certainly win the war."

Following the meeting, the President of France said that he did not exclude the sending of Western troops to the territory of Ukraine in the future.

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