Ukrainian Leopard Tank Crew Clears Enemy Position In Kupyansk Direction With Two Shots

  • 27.02.2024, 13:17

A video fact.

Soldiers of the Dmytro Kotsyubailo 1st Specialized Brigade published an archival video showing the use of a Leopard tank in combat conditions.

As Censor.NET reports, the video is dated August 2023 and was made in the Kupyansk direction. The recording shows how a tank enters an enemy position and with two shots destroys all the invaders dug in there.

“Brilliant work in collective interaction and a masterpiece of thanatosophy from the fighters of “1st Da Vinci Specialized Brigade.” The focus is on the Leopard we rented and the severed asses of Muscovites hanging on the top of the trees. We publish with a temporal delay, because feats have no statute of limitations,” the fighters note in the comments to the publication.

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