Pakistan Eliminates Top IRGC Commander In Iran

  • 18.01.2024, 8:54

The details of the operation have become known.

A high-ranking military officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has been liquidated in Iran. Preliminarily, it is Pakistan behind the operation. The information was confirmed in the IRGC, Dialogue.UA reports.

The deceased is Colonel Hussein Javadfar of the Iranian military group.

He served in the Salman Brigade, which participated in the brutal bloody suppression of protests in Sistan and Baluchistan in 2022.

The IRGC blamed Israel for Jawadfar's elimination.

However, Pakistan, more specifically the Balochistan-based armed group Jaysh al-Adl, is most likely behind the operation.

Presumably, the IRGC colonel was ambushed while returning from a mission.

We remind you that on January 16, Iran launched kamikaze missile and drone strikes on Pakistan. The IRGC said that they were allegedly hitting military targets, however, civilians were under attack. Two children are known to have been killed.

Today, Pakistan retaliated against Iran.

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