British Foreign Secretary: Lukashenka's Regime Is Totalitarian

  • 7.12.2023, 12:48

London will continue with sanctions.

The British House of Lords has discussed repression in Belarus. Foreign Secretary David Cameron (former British Prime Minister) described the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka as totalitarian.

Cameron was asked whether sanctions against Lukashenka's regime would be tightened. He recalled the restrictions already imposed and agreed that new steps were needed.

"I've looked at it closely, we have to recognise that this is the totalitarian regime of Europe," the British Foreign Secretary said. - They are randomly confiscating people's mobile phones to find out who they have been in contact with, what social media sites are being monitored. Trade unions have been dissolved and their leaders imprisoned. Waving the Ukrainian flag is considered an offence and can lead to imprisonment, and 1,500 people are political prisoners. So we are fully on board and will continue to use sanctions and other tools if necessary.

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