Ukrainian General Speaks About Putin’s Repeated Humiliations

  • 30.11.2023, 14:53

This could not remain without consequences.

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, and his relatives are target No. 1 for the Russian special services, since the GUR under the leadership of Budanov has more than once humiliated the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Opponents use different methods — not only sabotage, but also poisoning, said the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Valery Kondratyuk on the air of the Argument program.

“This practice is extended not only to Putin’s domestic political opponents in Russia, but also abroad. And, unfortunately, today we also have a statement that there was an attempt, so to speak, of murder, and perhaps this is due to the consequences that they expected — destabilization of the internal situation in Ukraine,” he said.

Kondratyuk stated that “over the past few years, it was the Defence Intelligence ... under the leadership of Kirylo Budanov who personally humiliated Putin on several occasions... It was from the Defence Intelligence that the first, let’s say, drones flew, which struck the airfields of the “second-best army of the world” in Russia, it was they who hit the Kremlin …” According to him, “such things, of course, could not remain without consequences for Putin.”

“Today, Kirylo Budanov and his close circle are undoubtedly the #1 targets and objects for the Russian special services,” warned the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service. The lieutenant general also said that there have already been “several dozen attempts on the life of the head of the Defence Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian MoD.”

On November 28, it became known that Marianna Budanova survived poisoning — heavy metals (mercury and arsenic) were found in her body. In addition, several employees of the Defence Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian MoD were poisoned. The department itself is investigating these crimes.

Valery Kondratyuk said that several high-ranking employees of the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence were poisoned — heads of units responsible for operations carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation. In his opinion, Russian special services were involved in the poisonings.

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