'Kalinovites' Experience Will Help To Overthrow Lukashenka Regime'

  • 22.08.2022, 14:48

The dictator's throne became very unsteady.

A reader of the website believes that it is the Belarusian volunteers who will become the force that will help to overthrow the Lukashenka regime:

— The Belarusian Kalinouski Regiment announced the formation of the new Litvin Battalion (named after the deceased volunteer Ilia Khrenau, who had such a call sign). Soon the fighters of the battalion will carry out combat missions at the frontlines.

The Kalinouski Regiment is the very combat unit that the Belarusians lacked so much to fight their own pro-Russian regime.

Now, these guys are gaining invaluable experience in the war against Russia, which, in turn, will make them professionals in their field and will help to overthrow the Lukashenka regime.

Lukashenka's "throne" strongly tottered. Everyone understands that he is now weaker than ever and has no geopolitical influence. Most likely, he is under the influence of the Putin regime. The dictator proved this when he chose a vector of interests opposite to the interests of citizens.

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